
Some other cohousing groups

Bridport Cohousing (Dorset)

Chapeltown Cohousing (Leeds)

Cannock Mill CoHousing (Colchester)

Five Rivers (Sheffield)

Halton Senior Co-housing
(Halton, Lancaster)

Horizon (Gloucester)

Lancaster CoHousing (Halton, Lancaster)

LILAC (Leeds)

Loppukiri (Finland)

New Ground (OWCH, Barnet, London)

Marmalade Lane (Cambridge)

Manchester Intergenerational Cohousing (Manchester)

Springhill Cohousing (Stroud)

Still Green (Wolverton, Milton Keynes)


Research, reports and strategies

Manchester City Council – Age Friendly Manchester

GMCA – Creating age-friendly homes in Greater Manchester

The University of Manchester – MICRA – the Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing

Housing LIN – The HAPPI reports

GM Journal – A novel cohousing project for older women and implications for loneliness Part 1 & Part 2

LILAC Leeds – Lilac Report on Impact 2020 (updated July 2021)

Commissioned for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities – November 2021 – ‘Those little connections’: Community-led housing and loneliness Report

Article by Laura Moss of Wrigleys – Cohousing and public benefit (December 2022)

Maria Brenton – Dutch Policy and Practice in Relation to Ageing and Cohousing (September 2023) Review prepared for the Taskforce on Older People’s Housing.

Hope Cohousing – Why cohousing is good for people and communities – the evidence (updated February 2024)