Join us

We’re recruiting!

MUCH is currently recruiting new members who want to take an active part in creating and living in an older peoples’ cohousing project in Manchester

We’re looking for people who share our vision and values and we want as diverse a group of people as possible to be part of MUCH.

While we can’t guarantee a cohousing home for any of our members yet, joining us sooner rather than later means an opportunity to shape the community and cohousing neighbourhood. Plan ahead – we welcome your enquiries!

This video is about the award winning Older Women’s CoHousing (OWCH) project for older women in London. The cohousing scheme was renamed New Ground when they moved in:

Our membership process

two members of MUCH laughing sitting outside a restaurant

Start by finding out as much as you can about cohousing from the UK Cohousing Network, from other cohousing groups in our list of resources and of course the rest of this website.

Next get in touch so we can start getting to know each other socially, and you can learn how we work together. Joining MUCH will be a shared decision.

Consensus decision making

Reaching consensus is different from making a decision which the majority favour, leaving a minority of the group feeling that their views have not been heard or respected.

Consensus means everyone working together to find a solution that is good for the whole group.

illustration of the stages in consensus decision making

To do this we have conversations to find solutions which meet our needs as a group and take account of the views of the individuals within the group.

“… Having shared a house and a home with both family and friends at various times during my life, co-housing would seem to have the advantages of both sharing and living alone, while minimising the disadvantages.”

MUCH member

Making decisions together about how we live is empowering”

MUCH member

Frequently asked questions

We’ve put together answers to the questions most often asked by prospective members.