I joined a harmony singing adult education class when I was in my late 40s, and found that I enjoyed making music by singing with others!
Some years later, the MadDonnas harmony singing group invited me to join them. We already knew each other through our children or through church, and I happily accepted the invitation. These days we’re almost a band, with two of our number being talented musicians as well as singers. We’ve sung at Chorlton Arts Festival and Celebrate Whalley Range many times, performed and busked to raise money for local good causes, and have done a few private events as well.
We are now meeting up again most weeks, after almost two years of covid-19 disruption to all our lives. We practise our old songs, learn new ones, and of course drink tea and chat.
I’m not the only MUCH member who likes to sing with others. A few of us sing with choirs such as Open Voice Community Choir, Manchester Lesbian and Gay Chorus and Manchester University Chorus.
Coming together to sing in harmony is a bit like coming together to build cohousing. We all have a part to play, and the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.
Most of the time things fall into place with a bit of effort, but sometimes the notes clash when they shouldn’t. When that happens we have to listen to each other more and figure out where the problem lies. Eventually we find a way of solving it and harmony is restored. I’m sure that resonates with many cohousers!
May 2022